Posts Tagged with ‘#amediting’
It Feels Like Yesterday
03 Apr 2019Twenty-five years ago on April 3, at 12:45 a.m. (as the US fell forward into Daylight Savings Time — and…
Just Pick One, Dammit
16 Mar 2019It is Day 6 of this crazy exercise we practice every spring of setting our clocks forward an hour. In…
It’s A Dog’s Life
11 Jan 2019Here’s to 2019! On behalf of everyone here at Stilettos, Stoli & Scribbles (and that includes the four-legged, furry ones),…
“… at the end of the day it was that: Grit and Good Luck” *
07 Jul 2018This is why it takes so long for me to write anything … Well, it’s one reason. There are others.…
28 Apr 2018Sophie, my “niece” and Fergus’ half-sister, is visiting for a few weeks while her mom is being a road warrior…
#amwriting #itneverends #alsobetareading #amblogging #amblind
18 Jan 2018It’s January. There is snow and ice outside. No holidays to…
Critique, or Criticism? Hmm
11 Oct 2017But first! How’s about a little report on the Retreat we just finished? We finalized the cover and back matter…
Retreating … Again
28 Sep 2017It’s that time! Starting early next week, we three will be getting back together here on the mountain for one…
Come Raise A Glass!
24 Aug 2017We’ve got some things to celebrate around here today. First and foremost, we wish K R Brorman a very happy…
18 Mar 2017I’m here to report to those of you who have been following our saga that we hit a major milestone…