Posts Tagged with ‘publishing’
Readers & Editors & Marketing….Oh My!
05 Nov 2016The more we know the more we know what we don’t know….oh yeah there’s some quality writing right there. And…
Excerpt from "Eden's Fall"
23 Jul 2016Collaboration. It’s a word we use a fair amount around here and I’m here this morning to prove it. Saturdays,…
Declaration of Independence
02 Jul 2016On this particular holiday, I’m just going to draw a clumsy analogy between the heroic decisions and actions of the…
What a Character!
21 May 2016When we three started this collaboration to write, and publish, our novels, we had what we thought were pretty well…
Would You Hit It?
30 Apr 2016Once upon a time (*snort* you see what I did there?), this is what the covers of romance novels looked…
“It Was A Dark And Stormy Night”
16 Apr 2016After “Once upon a time…”, that’s possibly one of the most famous first lines in fiction. A great first line…
26 Mar 2016It’s a really popular topic on writers’ blogs lately – writing retreats. Well, let me tell you, KR Brorman, SA…
"When Can I Call Myself a Writer?"
16 May 2013If you were to Google the phrase “When can I call myself a writer?” you will be given myriad option…
No Lines For The Restroom
25 Feb 2013Stilettos, Stoli and Scribbles is a place where three writers ponder life, its pleasures (including food and drink <g>) and…
Chosen Family
25 Nov 2012Well, we did say that the blogging would be thin during the month of NaNoWriMo (aka November). I can report…