Ay caramba!

As it turned out, the case of pre-holiday glums was too big a job for little Georgito. He called for reinforcements.

Skippy Jon Jones, Skippito Friskito, holiday, Georgito, photos

“My ears are too big for my head! My head is too big for my body!”

Georgito’s “cousin” Skippy Jon Jones, who lately has refused to appear as anything other than his alter-ego, Skippito Friskito, arrived in his festive red Christmas bow (which just happened to match Georgito’s red Christmas cape), to lead a chorus of his theme song:

“My name is Skippito Friskito. (clap-clap)
I fear not a single bandito. (clap-clap)
My manners are mellow,
I’m sweet like the Jell-o,
I get the job done, yes indeed-o. (clap-clap)”

And if that didn’t do the trick…


Skippy Jon Jones, Skippito Friskito, photo, Georgito, wine bottle

“Who’s got the corkscrew-ito?”